Chitravathi River Cleaning Seva – October 2019

The Chitravathi River in Puttaparthi received plenty of rain in Sep-Oct 2019 upstream. With the newly constructed check-dam, it was a beautiful sight, in many years, to now see the river in full glory and the river-side walk and the shrine received lots of visitors. With the visibility for the river, it was also the prompt time to raise the visibility on caring for the river! The idea to do a river-cleaning seva was initiated by some local youth. MITRAz Foundation took up the idea in right earnest.
The Chitravathi River in Puttaparthi received plenty of rain in Sep-Oct 2019 upstream. With the newly constructed check-dam, it was a beautiful sight, in many years, to now see the river in full glory and the river-side walk and the shrine received lots of visitors. With the visibility for the river, it was also the prompt time to raise the visibility on caring for the river! The idea to do a river-cleaning seva was initiated by some local youth. MITRAz Foundation took up the idea in right earnest.

From 29th October to 1st November, local youth and volunteers helped in cleaning up the river bed of the plastic waste and the other junk that were dumped on the riverside. About 35 volunteers participated in the exercise. The cleaning was divided into two sessions, for about 3-4 hours in the morning and about 1-2 hours in the evening. In the first phase, the stretch starting from the Chitravathi bridge to the public water tank was covered and was extended upto the river-side shrine.
It was shocking to see the kind of waste that was put in the river-bed. Chips covers, biscuit wrappers, milk covers, construction debris, plastic articles, vegetable waste, water bottles and all other forms of plastic and non-bio-degradable waste, in addition to human waste were found throughout the stretch. The volunteers cleaned up the area to a spick and span look. The collected waste was handed over the municipality for further disposal or processing.